Seagate 15K.7 Vs Fujitsu MAX3147RC 15K

  • System used for testing:
    HP ML350 G5 quad CPU with 4GB RAM

  • For benchmarking we used CrystalDisk and HDTune

  • Please see CrystalDisk results below

  • Seagate 15K.7

  • Fujitsu MAX3147RC 15K

  • The Seagate disk performed significantly better during testing

  • As the size of the file was reduced to 4K performance on the older disk for disk writes was slightly better

  • Now lets take a look at the results of HDTune

  • Seagate 15K.7

  • Fujitsu MAX3147RC 15K

  • Conclusion

  • There is a significant difference in performance between the disks. Seagate 15K.7 performed much better with large file sizes. Once the file size was reduced, the Fujitsu disk performed slightly better.